HorseBuds, Inc.

Adult Programs
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00
— Adult work crews—
— Curly Horses for the Cure—
adults facing challenges
and just want some Horsetime.
Thursdays 10:00-12:00
— Adult work crews—
— Curly Horses for the Cure—
adults facing challenges
and just want some Horsetime.

Kids*Art & Play
Egg Hunt•Playdates
•Halloween Fun
ages 1-12
Saturday Dates to be announced:
10:00 am - 11:30 am
First Play Date is FREE!
Parent or caregiver guides child through activity stations. For information regarding playdates or to register in advance please email
Located on a private farm. No drop-ins please. All families are required to Pre-register.
Activities may vary!
Horse time • Chalk it up • Trucks Tracks
• Balance Beam • Rhythm and Tunes
• Sink and Float Water Sensory • Miniature Toy Duck pond • Teeter-Totter • Tree House • Paint it
• Hammer Time • Rock Fun • Bean Bag Launch • Braid it • Have a Ball • Ice Entertaining
• Rice Sensory • Swings and Hammocks
• Arts & Crafts • Mud Creatures • Boxes for Imagination • Basketball • Mud Kitchen
• Dig it up Garden • Scales
• Connect 4 • Ladder Toss

Programs at HorseBuds
Sensory Saturdays
Saturday mornings 10:00-11:30
These family play dates are specific to families of children/young adults on the Autism spectrum Or with similar special needs. Classes are inclusive of the entire family as volunteer coverage allows. These classes follow the Movement Method which is the non-riding Horse Boy method that can be utilized at home, at school, and anywhere kids gather to learn and have new experiences.
Sensory play and movement are beneficial for children because the activities encourage children to explore and learn using intrinsic motivation and tactile play. This experience is primarily about opening up to the world around them in a safe environment, gaining confidence and knowledge, trying new sensory activities and transitioning between activities.
Non-riding Horsemanship programs are offered for youth ages approximately 8-17.
Mondays: (SUMMER) 10:00 - 11:30 am;
(During school) 4:00 - 5:30 pm
In this Equine Facilitated Learning program, participants explore horsemanship, risk-taking, teamwork, and the concepts of establishing trust and respect between animals and people. Fear can be conquered through knowledge and preparation while learning about the emotional and physical needs of animals. Life's challenges take on new perspectives as the focus is with the animal and the participant relationship.